Thursday, September 8, 2011

Google AdWords’ Click-To-Call Technology

Since its inception, Google AdWords has been changing the way online marketing is performed. Now, a new “Click-to-Call” feature promises to once again revolutionize Internet advertising for the foreseeable future. For businesses with call centers, this feature will be key in generating new customers and expanding business possibilities.

The Click-to-Call feature is meant for mobile web browsers. All non-clickable phone numbers in AdWords advertisements will be converted into Click-to-Call numbers. Now, mobile users will be able to tap on these phone numbers and immediately place a call to them through their phones. This new technology adds a great level of convenience to mobile web browsing, and serves as an effective new way to generate business for advertisers.

The click-to-call enhancement must be enabled through your AdWords account. Once it is enabled, you will begin to receive clicks and calls to the number in the advertisement (it should be noted that it is against AdWords’ policy to place phone numbers in the ad headline). Just like phone calls placed via a call extension, you will be charged for any clicks on your phone number that result in a call.

Through the “Campaigns” tab in your AdWords account, you will then be able to review exactly how many calls have been placed through the clickable phone number in your advertisements. Simply select the “click-type” option under the “Segment” drop down menu, and you will be able to view your full report and analytics.

You don’t necessarily have to change your phone number in your advertisements if you don’t want to. Google, however, recommends that you remove the current phone number in your ad and replace it with a call extension, along with your phone number. This strategy will allow you to get the most value from your click-to-call advertising campaign.

At TeleDirect Call Centers, we are excited to begin using this brand new technology, and will work carefully with all of our clients to make sure that the implementation process goes smoothly. If you have more questions about Google AdWords’ Click-to-Call, feel free to contact us at today!

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