Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Becoming a TeleDirect Reseller

There are way more benefits to being a TeleDirect client than the outstanding customer service that you’re guaranteed to receive! With TeleDirect, you have the opportunity to earn extra money as a reseller! This great program has helped us to expand our services while giving our loyal clients extra cash to put back into their business.

The way it works is simple. For every referral that you make to TeleDirect, you will be able to earn 10% of everything that new client pays to TeleDirect for their first 12 months using our services. We will give you the online access that you need in order to track the clients you have referred, so you can manage your revenue stream while letting us do all of the hard work!

As an existing client, all of your revenues you get from referrals can then be applied directly to your business’s account. Plus, if you send enough referral business our way, those earnings you make could wind up making your service with us totally free! That’s right—you could get all of our 24/7 live CSR service, automatic messaging and interactive voice response all for no cost at all, as long as you provide enough referrals to us!

Other than finding new clients to refer to us, your work will be minimal. We will handle all of the sales and set up for your referrals—you won’t have to worry about getting them started! We will still provide all of the customer service for both of your businesses. Every month, we will send a check your way with the total amount of money you’ve earned through your residual income stream. Once you have that check, you can use it to give to your referred discount or hire someone to work on extra projects, if you so choose. It’s your money!

In order for a client to qualify as a referral, they must have spoken directly with you about their need for TeleDirect’s services, and you must give TeleDirect their contact information. All you need to do is submit the information through a form on our website.

This program is just one more reason to let TeleDirect handle your customer service! Not only are we committed to making your customers happy, but we want you to be happy as well!

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