Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Impact of Customer Service on Word-of-Mouth Marketing

Great customer service can have an effect on everything you do as a business. It drives more return business. It presents a professional image of your company. It creates an enjoyable experience for your customers. But what you might not realize is that it can also have a positive impact on your business’s ability to reach new customers, particularly through word-of-mouth marketing.

Every business has a goal to get to the point where its customers are able to do a good deal of marketing for them. Keeping this in mind, it’s important to have the mindset that cultivating a long-term relationship with customers is extremely important. The longer you provide high-quality service to your customers, the more likely they are going to recommend your business to friends and family. In this sense, excellent customer service is more of an investment than it is an expense. While it does require some resources up front to get off the ground, you will be heartily rewarded in the long run for providing it.

What’s more is that stories of good customer service are simply rare these days. Whenever you log on to review websites, you’re far more likely to see horror stories than success stories. If people have a bad experience with your company, particularly with customer service, you can bet that they are going to let other people know about it. This will negatively impact the perception of your business.

Don’t give people that chance. If you consistently provide excellent customer service, those sorts of negative reviews won’t get out there. While people aren’t as likely to spread the news about great customer service as they are about negative customer service, it’s also worth noting that people are more likely to try out companies that have a high percentage of positive reviews.

TeleDirect Call Centers specializes in providing a high level of customer service. Our customer service representatives at our call center are trained to care about each customer as an individual and to helpfully guide him or her through any issue that might come up. Simply put, TeleDirect is in the business of people, and that makes all the difference in customer service.

Don’t settle for anything less than excellence. Contact us today to learn how you can get started with our services. Soon, you’ll be reaping the benefits of all the positive word-of-mouth advertising that we can help generate for you, all based on our experiences at our call center.

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