Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Top-Notch Project Management Services from TeleDirect

At TeleDirect Call Centers, we consider your business success our business success. With our top of the line on-demand project management software, we are able to efficiently manage projects with our clients and help them to manage their own internal projects. This service is a must-have if you’re looking to streamline your business.

Instant Project Expert (IPE) is a tool designed for our clients to quickly complete projects while still being able to hold everyone accountable, while keeping expectations at a reasonable level. The first step is to add all of your new users, which is quite simple. Simply add the user and wait for them to receive their invitation email. Once the invitation is accepted and the user creates his or her account, they will see the task that you have assigned for them to complete. 

IPE also has reminder systems built in to ensure that users are reminded of the tasks that they’re assigned. The system will remind users of specific tasks or milestones and also has an event creator for meetings and reminders that are not attached to any specific task or milestone. Email reminders are sent to all participating users on the morning that any reminder or event has been scheduled. 

Along with the reminder system, IPE contains a grading system that keeps track of who has been getting their tasks done on time or not. This system only begins once a user’s project has been published. However, users working on a project can store it in “brainstorm mode” to continue to get feedback from anyone else involved in the project before it is published. 

When all users feel that the project is ready to advance from brainstorming mode, they can sign off on it to say that it can be published. Once the project is published it cannot go back to brainstorming mode, so make sure to use that feature wisely to assure it is actually complete before sending it in!

Finally, IPE can be used for note taking during meetings to mark down tasks that need to get done and to set due dates. This will make your meetings much more productive and allow you to use IPE for both short-term and long-term business strategies.

TeleDirect wants your business to succeed, and Instant Project Expert will help you do just that. Get IPE today and watch your business’ efficiency levels skyrocket!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

pmworks provide Expert for project management services...
project management services