Wednesday, April 14, 2010

People Who Need People

Ask a few people what they think about a fully automated automated voice system as a customer service tool.

Chances are they'll say "not much." There is no more annoying, limiting, and easily dismissed customer service trend than the automated response system with no access to a live human. You know the "robo-calls" and "robo-answers" I'm talking about: branching decisions, each indicated by a number on a keypad, lead the caller through computer-generated recording after computer-generated recording, "world without end, amen."

People need people, and that includes your customers.

There is nothing wrong with an automated response system, provided that a customer is able to get the help he needs. Unfortunately, all too often, he cannot. That's why at Teledirect, we don't just provide you your own 1-800 toll free number or ring to number. We make sure it leads to a live human being.

Sure, some tasks are well-suited to automated response. That's why we offer DirectIVR, our speech-enabled, on-demand Interactive Voice Response system. But we never leave you without the option of a human backup. That's why DirectIVR is 100% backed by our 24/7 call center. As a Teledirect client, you never have to trap a caller.

People have been at the heart of everything we do at since we started as an answering service back in 1988. Since then, within 20 seconds, Teledirect clients have had the option of presenting a live, cheerful, human being, ready to offer assistance.

Or, the client can request sorting via automated voice menus prior to one-on-one interaction. Then, our services open into a world of lead-tracking, provision of needed information, real-time reporting, and hot transfer of leads back to our clients, plus much more.

Have a look at our service packages at - Seminar Edge, Work The Lead, and Pay Per Lead/Fill The Lot. Each makes it amazingly simple to handle everything from reservation systems to the needs of a thriving auto dealership, all using our highly trained customer service staff and a simple script development interface. We've learned the tough lessons about what works and what doesn't in a script, and you get our best practices as a starting point.

You just fill in your custom information, grab an available 800 number or ring to number, and get started with an instant sales force of real, live human beings without the cost of a dedicated customer service staff.

Then get that 800 number out there. Whether it means taking orders for your product, taking reservations for a meeting, or taking information for sales appointments, we've got you covered.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a tough call trying to get upper management here to switch to your call center services. They thought it would be enough to just have the automated system we had in place (after an outsourced customer care call center exploded into such a headache!)

Luckily for our company, you've impressed them with your presentation and you've impressed them even more with your service! Thanks guys!