Thursday, October 6, 2011

Converting Marketing Leads to Sales

So you’ve successfully created awareness in your brand. Congratulations! This is an important step in building your business, and one that can often be extremely difficult. But the next step is even more challenging; now that you’ve created a brand awareness and have numerous marketing leads, how can you convert those leads into actual sales?

The route you take in converting your leads to sales can really make or break your company as you know it. To see some real returns on the investments you’ve put into your marketing campaigns, you need to be able to follow-up effectively with the leads you’ve discovered.

First, you must always remember that your response time is crucial. According to Leads360, conversion rates are nearly 400% higher when a lead is called back within one minute of their inquiry, and 120% higher within two minutes. While consumers often will shop around for the business that can give them the best prices, they do wind up feeling a sense of loyalty to the company that called them back first, which is why it’s extremely important to have a fast response time with your calls.

You also need to make sure that you properly align yourself to your customer’s position in the buying process. A customer calling in who has already reached a certain level in their decision doesn’t want to hear the entire sales pitch over again; it makes them feel like just another face in the crowd, and it’s a waste of time. Be sensitive to where your leads are at in their process, and adjust how you assist them to fit their exact needs. You will be much more likely to convert a lead to a sale in this manner.

Finally, you should get away from the idea that your job is to sell a product. Rather, be of the mind that you are helping someone buy a product. This mindset makes it easier for you to place yourself in the mind of the customer to see exactly what it is that they want and how they can get it. Your leads will appreciate you making the effort to see things from their perspective.

TeleDirect trains all of its customer service representatives in all of these tactics, and we successfully convert marketing leads to sales opportunities every single day. We’d love to help your business accomplish this as well. Get in contact with us today to learn more about what TeleDirect can offer you!

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